This Sushi shop is in a superb location on the North Shore ad being a 5-minute walk from the popular beach provides lots of passing foot traffic. There is easy access for customers and lots of parking options.
The shop serves fresh Sushi and Dons which are all made from high-quality ingredients. They also offer big sushi platters which are very popular.
The shop opens seven days a week and has many loyal, repeat customers.
The vendor advises turnover is approx. $14,500 per week in summer and $11,000 - $12,000 in winter.
The weekly rent is $628 + GST.
This easy-to-operate food store is perfect for a first-time owner or an experienced investor. It is semi-managed and has great growth potential.
Price $348,000
Call Angela Zhu - 022 175 6917 for more information.
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