This Trade, Service & Repair Centre business has been around for many years. They have built up a reputation spanning back some 50 years and have a strong, loyal client base of tradesmen, contractors and DIYers.
The business is ideally located to service the Central Auckland area from it's ideal premises. They have a trade counter, repairs/service and parts area, as well as a convenient on site parking facility.
One part time owner is looking to retire, while the additional two full time "on the tools" owners, are wanting to sell and provide a minimum of a twelve month employment, if required. The business has grown year on year for the past 5 years and has built the business on quality of product, quality repairs/servicing, customer service and competitive pricing.
Many of the systems that the business operates have been going since the late 60's and although they work, there is a lot of opportunity to make this more efficient to minimise the workload. They have a basic website that promotes some of their products and services, however, this could also do with developing to help growth. The team have plenty of work on and could do with extra hands to assist them turn around the work quicker, as well as focusing on driving the business forward.
Last year's financials provided a very healthy return of circa $220,000 to a part time owner. Stock of approx. $130,000. Be in quick for this one!
Price $340,000 + estimated stock value $130,000