Take advantage of a fantastic opportunity to own a well established successful plumbing business in Christchurch.
Are you an existing plumbing business looking to expand in Christchurch? Or an ambitious individual looking for an opportunity?
Key Highlights:
- A team of experienced and specialist plumbers and drainlayers
- A strong brand built up over 10 years servicing the Christchurch community
- A proven track record of profitability
- Loyal and established customer base
- Impressive revenue growth in 2025 financial year
- Gross profit 59% (8 months to 30 November 2024).
Price $599,000 (all inclusive)
Contact Gerard Walsh - 021 178 8537.
For further information regarding this sale, please complete our online confidentiality agreement.
Copy and paste this link into your browser:www.ds4u.cc/abc?ref=35567