This well-established, profitable retail business on King Street offers an exquisite selection of Italian handbags, designer wallets, men's bags, and stylish backpacks, along with premium travel luggage from top brands like Samsonite. Serving the Franklin community since 1950, this cherished store boasts a proven business model and consistent turnover, making it a stable and rewarding investment opportunity.
One of the standout features is its exclusive product range, many items are imported directly by the owner and cannot be found anywhere else in New Zealand. These carefully curated products offer excellent profit margins and provide a competitive edge in the market, attracting a loyal customer base that appreciates unique, high-quality items.
The business operates with manageable overheads, including reasonable rent, and employs two dedicated staff members who oversee daily operations. The current owner is also the landlord and is committed to ensuring a seamless transition and is ready to provide extensive guidance and support to the new owner.
With significant growth potential, especially in expanding the online presence and marketing of these exclusive products, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
Don't miss your chance to own a thriving, historic retail business with a strong market presence and loyal clientele.
To discuss your offer, contact Craig on 027 271 9591.
Price $229,999
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