Located in an urban area only 3.9km from Auckland Airport, this motel comprises a diverse range of 20 units including a Family Loft with spa bath, twin bedroom and one bedroom units, all units have their own car park.
There is a 3 bedroom owners residence and a 1 bedroom managers unit, and also additional carparks for long term car storage for clients travelling abroad.
With consistently high occupancy rates averaging around 85% and room rates approaching $200 per night, plus a consistent day trade, this motel provides its owner with excellent, steady net profits.
The owner advises 2024 financial year sales of $1,178,000. Annual rent is $305,876 + GST. This motel is leasehold, and the landlord is willing to discuss a lease extension.
The business can be managed or self managed by an owner, both of which have the potential to yield good returns to the owner.
If you are seeking a lucrative venture in a glowing accommodation industry, this business should be your next venture.
Price $1,350,000
Contact Craig Stevens - 027 271 9591 today.
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