This bakery and takeaway is located on a high profile corner site at 991 Dominion Road, Mount Roskill.
This would make an ideal first step into business ownership for a baker, chef, barista or caterer looking for a very low cost, low rent, city fringe food site.
The clean and tidy premises consists of a very large kitchen with walk-in chiller, flat deck baking oven, dough mixers and extraction, along with an "A" grade food safety certificate.
An upstairs area provides additional space and comprises of a separate multi-function room/office, toilet, shower and kitchenette.
Plenty of parking behind the building. Being in close proximity to local schools, businesses with very little competition will assure a good variety of quality customers.
Please note this business is currently closed so there may be GST payable on the purchase price.
Give Dayne - 027 501 6207 or Dale - 021 274 0079 a call to book a walkthrough of this excellent hospitality site.
Price $35,000