Booming Distribution Business - Aged Care...
Looking to enter a high-growth industry with growing returns? This is your chance to own a well-established Import...
School Lunch Contract Franchise $30k Weekly...
If owning a well-known food franchise with a Healthy School Lunch/Ka Ora, Ka Ako contract until the end of 2025 sounds...
BarbershopCo Howick - Clients and Staff Sorted
Here's your chance to own the leading concept store in the BarberShopCo franchise - the disruptive force in the...
Relocatable Land Clearing and Mulching $170K+
Awesome opportunity here to invest in a relocatable land clearing and mulching services business, which can be run from...
Established Metalworking Company- Profits...
This is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-established metalworking business supplying both structural,...
Bay of Plenty
Civil Infrastructure Fully Managed $10.5M...
Fully Managed with Confirmed Work Pipeline of Over $10.5M. An exceptional opportunity to own a well-established civil...
Premier Beauty Therapy - Central Auckland
Own a top-tier beauty therapy clinic renowned for its Brazilian beauty techniques. Established in 2003, this business...
Iconic Vegan/Vegetarian Cafe in Heart of Grey...
TOP 50 BEST CAFE in Metro Mag! Unlock the potential of this sought-after vegan/vegetarian cafe located in the vibrant...
Engineering Consultants, Profits $660,000 p.a
This is a specialised engineering consultancy with a focus on structural and civil engineering, architectural drafting,...
Stock Liquidation Opportunity
Unlock an incredible business opportunity with $500,000 worth of great stock at cost price. This is a rare chance to...
Service Station + Car Wash - $1 Million+...
Unleash the Power of Profit with this Service Station with Car Wash - Over $1 Million in Profits! Are you ready to...
Established Pharmacy - Prime Location
For sale: A well-established pharmacy, part of a reputable franchise, located in an affluent and growing community....
229 - 240 of 505 Listings